Private Writing Classes

"It is what you don't write that frequently gives what you do write its power." ~Toni Morrison


Private Writing Classes

Book Development Opportunities
Creative 1-on-1 Coaching for your Novel or Memoir
Book Writing Coach & Author Irene Graham

You may have words on the page, ideas in your mind, hopes in your head… and yet something is not quite working. Irene will help you sort the wood from the trees, and show you how to take your manuscript from being ordinary to compelling, from vague to profound.

Guidance includes visual exercises on how to map your book using right-brain/left-brain learning techniques, story creation and development, structure, submissions, LIVE One-on-One Writing Sessions, plus reading your work.

Private Fiction & Autobiographical Fiction Writing Course Online
4-week Private
View Details HERE


Fiction or Memoir Work-in-Progress 3-month Classes with Irene Graham 

Available to writers that have completed either the 12-week or 16-week Online Memoir Writing Course,  or a Fiction or Memoir Writing Retreat, or have already worked privately with Irene Graham.

*Submissions for private classes with Irene are not available at this time.
*If you have previously been in discussion with Irene regarding WIP Private Classes please email her.

APPLY HERE for details.
Fiction: Code F102
Memoir: Code M102


For details of our

*Online Memoir Writing Course 12-week

*Memoir Writing Masterclass 6-month

*Teaching Memoir Writing Course – 6-month

visit The Memoir Writing Club website

"Irene demystifies and simplifies the writing process and empowered my creative genius to come out and play. The encouragement, the invaluable tools she shares and her deep joy, along with her expertise in the craft of storytelling, gave wings to the book inside of me waiting to be written. "~Erin O'Rouke, USA