

Truth or Fiction Writing

Truth or Fiction Writing?

Memoir is about writing fact – you are telling the truth. Fiction Writing is about using your imagination. Autobiographical Fiction is taking nuggets of your life experiences and translating them into Fiction. It is a very powerful form of writing. So if you have a burning feeling within to write your story, but you don’t want to expose yourself or others. What can you do?

Writer's Block

Writer’s Block

It’s talked about. It’s feared. It can make a writer depressed. It’s like being caught in a big sticky cobweb. But what is Writer’s Block? How do you overcome it? Personally, I don’t believe in Writer’s Block – to me it just means you are not asking the right questions. You are in a dead end, a cul-de-sac – and you have to reverse out of it. Your story has to change. And how you think about your story, therefore, needs to change too.

Creative Writing Tips

Creative Writing Tips

KEEP YOUR CREATIVITY FLOWING. How important is spelling when writing a novel or memoir? Of course spelling is important, vitally important! BUT… spelling and editing is primarily a left-brain function, which is not a factor in writing creatively. So when you are writing your story, creatively, and if you keep stopping to correct your spelling… you are effectively inhibiting your creative flow.

Kill Your Inner Critic

Kill Your Inner Critic

Our inner critic is a drag. That tap on the shoulder that drags you down. The ‘I can’t do this’ noise inside your head. It robs you of your creativity. It freezes creative thinking. It blocks happiness! And we all experience it, at some point or another in our lives. It’s time to get rid of it. It’s time to overcome that noise inside your head. It’s time to Kill Your Inner Critic…and go forwards not feeling that tap on your shoulder. Here’s how…

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by Irene Graham: The Creative Writer’s Workshop, The Memoir Writing Club

Writing Coach | Author | Lover of Story | Believer in Words | Story Editor | Photographer

I’m Irish.  A country girl born and reared in the land of Saints and Scholars. Somehow, and gratefully, in my life search for meaning, I found writing. And story. Words feed my soul. Right-brain/left-brain learning processes feed my creativity.

For 33 years I’ve passed on what I’ve learned as a lover of story and believer in words. When I haven’t got a pen in my hand it’s my camera. To clear my thoughs, I head out into the garden, and grapple with the weeds.

This is my blog. I muse about all things writing. Share Ireland with you. And use this blog as my image gallery.

Irene is the Founder of The Creative Writer’s Workshop and The Memoir Writing Club. She is also Author of The Memoir Writing Workbook. In a previous life Irene was a professional photographer with Getty Images/New York.