Writing Retreats | Workshops

"You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul." ~George Bernard Shaw
The Creative Writers Workshop Writing Retreats Workshops


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Next Course Starts

Sat 24 Aug 2024

12-Week Course Online
with Workbook

Memoir Writing Course Online | 12-week

Online Memoir Writing Course
Fully integrated with Audios + The Memoir Writing Workbook
Author & Memoir Coach Irene Graham

Our sister website, The Memoir Writing Club is dedicated to all things memoir. Our 12-week Online Memoir Course will show you, step-by-step, how to trigger memories, learn story creation, and write your memoir online with Irene Graham.

"This course focuses on one valuable element of memoir writing after another. Expect to have your eyes opened to imaginative memory prompts, guidance on tempting roads that could lead to dead ends, ideas on story development, structure and loads more. "~Joan Machlis-Crasemann, USA
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Writing Retreats Workshops


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Tues 3 to Mon 9

In-Person Retreat

Fiction & Autobiographical Fiction Writing Retreat | In-Person

on Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way
Inchydoney Island, Clonakilty, Co. Cork, Ireland
Author & Fiction Coach Irene Graham

Let the golden beaches of Inchydoney Island and the breeze from the Wild Atlantic Ocean be your muse.  A writing adventure to deepen your connection to story in the stunning West Cork Irish landscape. Luxury 4 Star Accommodation and a heated seawater swimming pool.

"I am inspired to continue down this creative road. This has been a wonderful experience for me and I cannot wait until I can return for another workshop. Thank you Irene!"~Katherine Walsh, USA
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Memoir Writing Retreat Spain


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Mon 28 + Tues 29

In-Person Workshop

Memoir Writing Workshop Spain | In Person

Benalmádena Costa, Málaga
Author & Memoir Coach Irene Graham

Create your own get-away! Then join us for a two-day memoir workshop on the waterfront of Spain’s Costa del Sol to nourish your writing. Invigorate your creative spirit and learn the art of writing memoir.

"Irene’s course changed the way I think about memoir writing. She provided great materials, constructive comments and valuable insights that really helped me to find my voice and have more fun with it. "~Kathryn Ranieri, USA
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The Creative Writers Workshop Writing Retreats Workshops


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Jan - June

8 Jan to 25 June

6-month LIVE Course

Bi-Weekly Sessions

Memoir Writing Masterclass | 6-month

Limited to 9 participants
LIVE Online
Author & Memoir Coach Irene Graham

Our sister website, The Memoir Writing Club is dedicated to all things memoir. Facilitated by Irene Graham, our 6-month LIVE Memoir Writing Masterclass will guide 9 dedicated writers to develop, focus, structure and create a memoir for publishing.

"Irene's virtual LIVE Memoir Writing Workshop was a fantastic experience! Her creative approach to the elements and structure of story was just the inspiration I needed to begin... and complete my memoir. And she's managed to capture much of that same magic virtually as she does in her Writing Retreats. Highly recommended."~Jody Davids, USA
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The Creative Writers Workshop Writing Retreats Workshops


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Jan - June

7 Jan to 24 June

6-month LIVE Course

Weekly Sessions

Teaching Memoir Writing Course | 6-month

Author & Memoir Coach Irene Graham

Irene Graham, Founder of The Creative Writer’s Workshop and The Memoir Writing Club, is offering the opportunity of studying how to teach the art of memoir writing, drawn from her 33 years experience of teaching writing workshops, using right-brain/left-brain writing techniques.

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."~Benjamin Franklin
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Memoir Writing Retreats


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Sun 25 to Fri 30

In-Person Retreat

Memories into Memoir Writing Retreat | In-Person

on Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way
Inchydoney Island, Clonakilty, Co. Cork, Ireland
Author & Memoir Coach Irene Graham

Let nature, the Atlantic Ocean, golden sandy beaches, an incredible writing space, 4 Star luxury accommodation, a heated seawater swimming pool and gourmet food nurture the story that’s in your heart. Your story.

"Irene guided and cajoled me to not only to start, but to also complete my memoir. Her advice and suggestions were at all times helpful and without her encouragement I would never have got to the end of the journey."~Sue Fleming, UK
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